ian winston, chat

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  • Guess what test I have on Monday...

    isabel79 Apr 11, 2004 12:47

    Friday, April 9, 2004 \ Time: 5:26 P.M. \ Mood: dorky. \ Song: AC. \ Book: Notebook.I'm such a dork ( Read more... )

    ian winston, dream

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  • Wow... I'm just writing random nonsense...

    isabel79 Apr 09, 2004 13:09

    Wednesday, April 7, 2004 \ Time: 12:47 P.M. \ Mood: blank. \ Song: None. \ Book: None.Like I said, if I go out I'll write about it. So here I am. Went to school, check email. Ugh... I was supposed to send that letter to Kitty... Email from Mom. Kitty has a stress fracture and may be medically discharged... So maybe it's a good thing I didn' ( Read more... )

    survey/quiz, ian winston

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  • Before my oral

    isabel79 Apr 05, 2004 13:04

    Sunday, April 4, 2004 \ Time: 3:46 P.M. \ Mood: anxious. \ Song: Sexy Sadie. \ Book: None.Got on AIM again. Chatted with Elaine. I told her about my Winston dream, showed her the pic. As predicted. Looks nothing like Jude Law. And he's not hot. :( She then said she had an Orli / Paris Hilton / Yuleni (who's yuleni!?!) dream. No horizontal ( Read more... )

    ian winston

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  • Hehe...

    isabel79 Apr 04, 2004 12:47

    Saturday, April 3, 2004 \ Time: 5:55 P.M. \ Mood: indifferent. \ Song: Ian Winston. \ Book: ICM?I don't know what to think ( Read more... )

    ian winston, pictures

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